Wednesday, January 11, 2012

spring cleaning

Rumor has it that we're supposed to get some snow tonight. I won't believe it until I see it. At the moment, the sun is shining and it's 50 degrees out- a perfect spring day.
I'm using the current weather as an excuse to get some cleaning done. I think the impending weather is motivating me just as much.
My garage is cleaned out and so is my car. But those were 10 minute tasks. My basement, on the other hand, is a full day (or more) project. I have an unfinished basement that I use for all my creative projects. It's wonderful. I'm spoiled, and I know it.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet recovered my beloved space from all the Christmas mayhem that happened down there! So, today is the day. There is rearranging of shelving, reorganizing of storage units, discovering of supplies I forgot I had. It really is fun. It's fun enough to motivate me to push forward and finish.

I just have to keep myself from dropping everything to start a new project. I keep reminding myself that it will be more fun, and way easier, to accomplish new projects once the space is reorganized.
Another highly effective form of motivation: 
mixed CDs I made in high school. They're priceless.
While I was cleaning out the garage, I snapped a few pictures of some treasure I brought back from my trip to our family's farm this past weekend. 
My family is starting to embrace my creativity too- looking out for things I might be able to use. My aunt kept these for me and my cousin Kim. Kim and I have been the crafty ones in our family for forever. We were obsessed with Lisa Frank and all things crafty as kids and we never really grew out of it. Thankfully! I'm bummed that we live 5 hours apart.

These windows are from a farm building that was torn down. I don't have exact plans for them yet. But I'm excited to just have them (in all their bird poopy, cobwebby grossness) in my possession.

And these little guys: in love! They need some TLC. I have some ideas for them. They make me excited for real spring weather. I can't wait to put them out among the tulips! 

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