geeze. where the heck have I been!?!
I have a laundry list of explanations- but ultimately my lack of blogging is really just attributed to my lack of desire to do it. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't pour into it as traffic from Pinterest has really picked up. And I really missed the most wonderful time of blog season: Christmas! Most surprisingly, despite the usually encouraging prompts from my #1 fan/cousin Kim to post, I just couldn't get my act together!
But I'm here now.
Let me say a sincere "HELLO" to all my new friends and followers.
I don't have a fun project to share today. Although, I'm really excited because after work tonight I'm going thrifting with my friend Cait. I'm sure it'll turn up some awesome inspirations. Cait just got married and we had a big craft night to work on decorations and all the cute little touches for her big day. I usually craft by myself in my icebox of a basement- there is something so beautiful about a group of women getting together to create!
So, for the record, here are some of the things I have been up to:
I got a promotion!
(For real, this is such a blessing!!)
And I picked up some hours at Famous Footwear
(my old high school and college J.O.B)
We sell blue suade shoes....
come on!
We enjoyed another successful Black Friday.
It is, perhaps, my favorite 'holiday' and tradition of the year.
{Don't judge!}

I've spent some quality time watching Christmas classics.
I decorated for Christmas. Believe it or not,I have some very beautiful and classy things, but these two will forever and always be my favorite!
And then, of course, there has been plenty (but never enough) time spent with family and friends.
Now, I can't make any promises....
but maybe you'll be seeing more of me and my projects again soon!
Until then, I wish you joy, love, and peace during this last week of Christmas preparations!